Newspapers-The daily Mirror

 Newspapers Blog Task

Blog tasks: Daily Mirror case study

Work through the following questions to complete your work on the Daily Mirror.


1) What political party does the Daily Mirror support? How can you tell?

They support the Labour party as the paper is based on left wing issues and labour is a left wing party 

2) How does the Daily Mirror usually represent rich and powerful people or corporations?

They represent rich people as useless as they always that jobs and money from the poor and give it to them and hate rich and wealthy people such as jeff bezos

3) How are ordinary working people presented in the Daily Mirror?

They are represented as good people how diverse better and have called the nhs heroes due to them not getting a good enough pay rise 

4) How is the Labour Party represented in the Daily Mirror?

They are represented as heroes as they often praise Mps who are part of the labour party such as talking about stan who died age 91 and was labelled as a hero who had a tough upbringing 

5) How is Amazon represented in the article on 'no-till' Amazon stores?

They are  represented as thieves as in the article they are saying that they are taking jobs away from hard working people.

Blog tasks: Daily Mirror case study

Work through the following questions to cover the Language and Audience key concepts for the Daily Mirror.


The Daily Mirror audience is older with almost half the audience aged 65+. In terms of social class, most are in the C1, C2 DE social classes. They are likely to be in the Struggler, Resigned or Mainstream psychographic groups.


1) What is the Daily Mirror's audience? List the key statistics here (see above).

The daily mirrors audience is retired as the retirement age in the uk is 65 and the reason for this is  that most people don’t really use technology/not good with it and they use newspapers and over 1 million people still read newspapers such as the sun 

2) Why do the Mirror stories on the CSP pages appeal to the Daily Mirror audience? BE specific! E.g. The target audience is over 65 so the story about new technology is sympathetic with people who may not use phones and app

The stories that are published on the Mirror might be interesting to the viewers as it might be about soft news which is the type of news that is most commonly found in newspapers such as gossip and sports and run stories about the royal family and the readers are mostly left wing people who don’t really like the government.

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.


-Surveillance- to learn new information (what factual information do we learn and what parts of society are we given information about?)

-Personal Identity- able to relate to people in the media piece (which groups of people would be able to identify with the people OR ISSUES in the piece?)

-Relationships- care about people in the media piece (do we have an on-going relationship with them e.g. people in the public eye?)

-Diversion- for entertainment purposes, takes you away from your own normal life (e.g. into world of royalty, celebrity, politics, gossip)

A reader might enjoy the Mirror due to its variety of stories. There is an aspect of escapism as it takes the reader away from their normal life because of the different stories that the mirror has such as talking about the royal family and amazon having tilless stores which might make the reader more interested in what is in the rest of the paper.

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?

They are generally read by older audiences because it is easier for them to read compared to online media which might confuse the older generation as they struggle with technology.

5) How is the 'Amazon no-till shops' story constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? 

It is constructed to appeal to the daily mirror audience as they include headlines like how amazon launching a tilless store is taking the jobs away from the working class and it is a contrast to the times version where they see it as a positive this is because the mirror is left wing and the times is right wing.


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