Heat and Tatler extension tasks
Grade 8/9 extension tasks1) How does the front cover engage audiences with possible narratives? Look for stories, cliff-hangers, dramatic cover lines etc. Do for every cover line for Heat.
The Front cover engages with possible narratives as highlighted in yellow the headline is "posh caught out" which gives out the narrative that she is being secretive and is hiding secrets from the public and are intrigued to find out what happens to her.
2) What are paparazzi images and why are they crucial to the front cover of Heat?
Paparazzi images are people who are independent who take photos of high-ranked celebrities such as the royal family and high profile people such as Boris Johnson and these are crucial as it shows how these A-listers look without makeup and the headline might want to expose their secrets.
3) How does the front cover juxtapose text and images to create contrast and narrative on the front cover of Heat?
The front cover juxtaposes text and image to create contrast and narrative as some of the headlines that are shown on the cover of Heat which means that these headlines are important and an example of this is "Posh caught out! secretive star accused of lying to everyone" which indicates that the person which is in this headline (Victoria Beckham more commonly known as posh spice) shows the reader that she has been keeping secreats from the public and this creates narrative as the reader wants to know what secret she was hiding and how long she had it covered up.
4) What do these two magazines suggest about representations of social class in the British media?
These two magazines that we are studying (Tatler and heat) suggests that the british media focus more on the higher class and what problems they have and emphasise more of that more then the lower class and dont really focus on the struggles then have some of the time and dont focus on pictures such as people who are wailting at food banks and people at the local job centre and focus on people who are living in luxary mansions and going horse riding.
Grade 8/9 extension tasks
Grade 8/9 extension tasks
1) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Tatler?
The perferred reading of this cover of tatler is that it mostly focuses on people who are of higher class compared to heat which is aimed at people who are of a lower/middle class and this cover talks about how tatler met the brother of the prime minister of the UK and what the best clothes are to wear during lockdown for a queen which indicates that the only people who should wear these clothes are people who see themselves as queen and that they should only wear clothes that are recommended and how the Emma Weymouth (the main person on the front cover) is now a marchioness of bath and is mostly focused on british things such as the queen and max Johnson.
2) Are there any misrepresentations or under-representations of certain groups? What might this suggest about the target audience?
There are under-representations of certain groups as in this specfic cover of tatler it mostly focuses on people who are higher class such as the royal family and on this cover there is not even a tiny spec of something that is of a lower class and talks about Brexit lockdown fits for a queen and how they are talking about a marchioness.
3) How does the front cover engage audiences with possible narratives? Look for stories, cliffhangers, dramatic cover lines etc.
The front cover engages with audiences as the narratives show what the best clothes are to own for a person who sees themselve as a queen and how you can meet the brother of the prime minster and people who are upper class will take notice of this as the coverlines show and talk about things that they have an interest in.
4) Read this Guardian article on the BBC documentary about Tatler called Posh People. What does the article suggest about the people who produce and read Tatler?
This aritcle suggests that the people who read Tatler are people who are higher class and have lots of disposeable income and talks about things that posh people love such as polo and horse riding and Tatler is the oldest magazine in the UK as it was founded in 1709 over 4 centuries ago and is more cheaper then heat but releases on a mouthly basis compared to heat which releases weekly and this magazine is mostly tailored to posh people hence the name.
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