I, Daniel Blake revision

 I, Daniel Blake: blog tasks


1) What does industry mean? (consider LIAR - our four key concepts and use your glossary to remind you) What kind of things might you be asked about in the exam?

Industry means the company or companies that make a film,TVshow or series.



2) What is independent cinema and how is it different to Hollywood blockbusters? Why might making an independent film be better for the Director? How are they budgeted?

An Independent film might be better for the director as they do not as of a big budget then companies such as DC or Marvel and independent films create an interesting backstory and create a better plot than mainstream films such as Spider Man.


2) What is I, Daniel Blake about? Sum up the plot and THEN also talk about the main social issues that the film explores. Watch the trailer to help:


I,Daniel blake is about a carpenter who got kicked out of his job and goes to the doctors and is deemed fit for work and is forced to take up job seekers allowence and doesnt know how to use a computer and has to go to a job centre and a women makes a scene as she is a single mum with only £12 in her pocket and is forced to accept a flat in the northeast and is talking about how the government is robbing people of a job.



3) Who directed I, Daniel Blake and why is this important (consider the message and themes of the film and why this Director is a good choice)? What is Director Power? What does Ken Loach say about Superhero movies and why? See this video to help

Ken Loach: Superhero movies are boring

The director of I,Daniel blake was Ken loach and this is important as he is known as one of the best directors in the film Industry and has directed for over 50 years and he says that superhero films are boring because the backstory is always never interesting.


4) How was I, Daniel Blake promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign and how they targeted their audience. See the numbered list and the video below:

I, Daniel Blake - Kommando Marketing Projection

Along with traditional trailer and print adverts, the film makers eOne also used disruptive marketing such as: Organise free (or 'pay what you can') screenings and talks in community centres across the UK to build local enthusiasm for the film's message.


5) What other unusual or creative marketing methods were used to get audiences talking about the film? Sum up the Secret Cinema screenings in your own words and say why they might be effective marketing strategies (why they might make people go and see the film!) Watch this video and then answer the following: how are ‘normal people’ used in the promotion of the film? What does it mean by ‘we are all Daniel Blake?’ Challenge - why choose normal people? We are all Daniel Blake

They might be effective as people who were going to the cinema to watch a movie that they were excited about were shocked as they were watching a film that nobody knew about and they might have been encouraged to watch independent films.


6) What was the estimated production budget for I, Daniel Blake and how much did it make at the box office?

The funding for I,Daniel Blake was around £2 million and it made 15.8 million USD at the box office


7) How can independent films like I, Daniel Blake compete with Hollywood blockbusters like Black Widow?

They can compete with Black Widow as independent films cost less to make wheras Black widow cost more to make as they have to hire good actors such as tom holland whereas independent films can have any actors.

8) In your opinion, was I, Daniel Blake a success overall?

Yes as nobody expected the film to be very successful if not good but after a couple of years most of the people who watched the movie were from france as with every movie directed by Ken Loach.

9) The film was given a 15 certificate when it was regulated. Who regulates the film industry? What is their role?

The company that regulates the film industry is the BBFC (The british Board of film classification) and The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release. The BBFC uses published Classification Guidelines for certain age ranges, ensuring that the content of the film is age appropriate and that children or young people do not see films that are unsuitable for them.

10) Why was the film given a 15 certificate? What does it contain that makes it only suitable for this age group and older?

It contains Very strong language.


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