Kim Kardashian: Hollywood- Representation and Audience


  1. For each of the above, in your own words and in as much detail as you can, write a paragraph about which audience pleasures gamers/audience members get from playing KKH. 

One Audience pleasure that gamers get from playing KKH is Personal Relationships as it makes them have a connection with the Avatar And inspires them to progress further In The game and have an interest in Kim Kardashian and might make some gamers have a connection with Her.

  1. From the above notes, write what demographic and psychographic YOU think would be interested in playing this game - who is the target audience? Don’t forget to write about people (CAGE) and also TYPES of people (hobbies and interests)

I think the demographic That Would be interested In playing this game would be girls as this is a game which could be perfected For them as it includes fashion and going to photo shoots.

  1. How are women represented in KKH? Give examples for positive and negative. 

Negative as women are stereotyped as they are only interested in Makeup and Fashion and are Sexualised and are objects of Desire.

  1. How are celebrities represented in KKH? Give examples for positive and negative.

Positive as it is mostly based on talent and the whole objective of the game is to become famous and become a A-LIster. 

  1. How are races/ethnicity and different gender/sexualities represented in KKH? Give examples for positive and negative if there are any. 

Positive as the game is Multicultural and Has Diverse Avatars and promotes equality and has mostly young people  


  1. As usual, your blog is looking up to date and well detailed. :)
    The one thing (as you know, apart from your written English), that could be improved is your depth of answer. For instance: when talking about the demographics, I mention you should talk about CAGE (class, age, gender and ethnicity) and you have only talked about girls liking this game (although you are putting in more detail because you are linking girls to fashion which is in the game :) )
    Now say more - which age range and what in the game would make it targeted at younger, teenage audience (think of teenage girls liking Snapchat and Instagram etc...) and which races? Think of how it's more diverse because you can be anyone you like in the avatar.


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