Audience essay feedback and learner response
WWW:You have given really good example for the industries And supported your argument. You have also used a number of media terns accurately well done! Your own opinions are clear which makes this an interesting read and shows you have listed well done.
EBI:your written English needs a lot of work to ensure your point is always clear. proof read your work and check it always makes sense.
LR:The changes of newspapers on the internet is that online media is more accessible and you can watch the news on the tv or online or to a corner shop. An Advantage is that it is online or on the TV.A Disadvantage is that you might not own a device and you are forced to watch it on the Tv or newspaper. Therefore audiences have more power then the media and the internet.
2) What was the word count for your essay?
3) What was your strongest paragraph? Why do you think it was better than others?
the music industry
4) What was your weakest paragraph? Why do you think it wasn't as good as others?
the changes of newspapers.
5) How can you improve your extended writing in GCSE Media Studies in future?
my written English
6) Write ONE thing you have learned about the internet, audience and industry from completing this essay
about the audience
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