Class: Language and Representation blog tasks
Language and close-textual analysis 1) How is CLASS a hybrid (mix) of teenage drama and Science Fiction genre? It is obviously a teen drama because the characters are teenagers and mostly marketed towards teenagers.and the narrative features issues such as relationship with each other and strained relationships such as April and her dad.It is obviously science fiction genre because there are props such as spaceships and it is set in a different kingdom.There are settings such as a school and a house.There are characters such as Corakinus who is a alien. and Charlie and Miss Quill who are alien but put in Human form. 2) How does Todorov's theory of equilibrium apply to Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Todorov's theory of equilibrium apply s to Co-owner of a Lonely Heart as at the start it is normal with Tanya helping Ram with his homework. but then a tear comes through the school and the alien comes and make April share her heat with corakinus. ...